Costa Rica Wedding Practices

Whether you are planning a wedding in Costa Rica or in another Latin American country, there are a few wedding party traditions that are worth considering. Costa Rican marriage ceremony traditions include a wedding ceremony that features both sides within the family. Most commonly it is held in a house of worship or home of praise. The wedding is definitely followed by a reception that runs right up until dawn. The reception usually includes a live music group and a buffet of delicious food.

A typical Costa Rican wedding party meal is known as a Casados and is generally accompanied by wines. At the reception, guests typically wear vibrant clothing.

The bride and groom will be traditionally dressed in white or black. The soon-to-be husband will wear a tuxedo plus the bride will wear a vintage white attire. They may likewise wear a dark silk gown. The star of the wedding may also dress yourself in a lace veil.

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Probably the most well-known Costa Rican wedding customs is the Funds Dance. The Money Show up is similar to the Cuban wedding tradition where guests pin number money to the why do people online date outfits of the newlyweds. The money represents costa rican girls payment for the chance to dance along with the bride and groom.

Another Puerto Rican wedding traditions is the giving of thirteen coins to the bride-to-be. These gold and silver coins represent the bride’s support, the groom’s dedication to her, great willingness as the head for the family. The groom then simply presents the money to the woman during the marriage ceremony wedding ceremony.

Some other Costa Rican wedding custom is a traditional meal known as Gallo Pinto. The food consists of plantains, salad, various meats, and wine.

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